There are three ways to support Out in the Mountains:


Out in the Mountains is a community newspaper.

Please consider helping by submitting an article for us to publish.

Is there news relevant to the LGBTQ community in Vermont that you know of? Please tell us!

Do you know of an upcoming event? Submit it for inclusion on our community calendar.


If you like and want to assist financially, consider using the link below to help Out in the Mountains:

Any support, even just $1, will help OITM grow and serve our community better.

If you wish to advertise on, please contact us. ANY contribution makes your listing in the Business Directory bold.


Please use this link to shop at - it won't cost you a penny, but a small percentage of your order will support OITM.

If you bookmark this link and use it every time you shop, you will be helping to make this newspaper a resource for our community.